The Fayete County Water System Water Committee is composed of seven members and meets monthly to consider maters relevant to the System’s operations. Membership includes: three citizens appointed by the Board of Commissioners, the County Administrator, the Environmental Management Director, the Fire Chief, and the Water System Director. The Water System’s consulting engineer and county atorney are non-voting members. This Commitee recommends projects and actions to the Board of Commissioners. The Water Committee is not authorized to implement policy or authorize expenditures
Canceled meetings, special called meetings, and special-topic workshops are announced in accordance with requirements of State law.
The Committee regularly meets on the 2ND WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 8:30. All sessions are open to the public. The meetings are usually held at Fayete County’s Administrative Complex located at 140 Stonewall Avenue West, Suite 100, Fayeteville, Georgia, 30214.
2025 Meeting Schedule (PDF link)
Meeting Canceled
Please be advised that the regularly scheduled Water Committee meeting on Wednesday,
April 9, 2025 has been canceled.
Meeting Minutes and Agenda of Actions are available in PDF* format for downloading, printing and viewing.
Agenda Package | Agenda of Actions * | Meeting Minutes * |
03/12/2025 Agenda | 03/12/2025 Agenda of Actions | |
02/12/2025 Agenda | 02/12/2025 Agenda of Actions | 02/12/2025 Minutes |
01/08/2025 Agenda | 01/08/2025 Agenda of Actions | 01/08/2025 Minutes |
* Users
must have Adobe Acrobat Reader® installed on their computer to view or print this file.This
is a free download available from the Adobe website.
Fayette County Administration
140 Stonewall Avenue West
Suite 100
Fayetteville, Georgia 30214